Read Mighty Mouse's Thought For The Day - Every Day

This is the story of a tiny kitten - a runt, who was not expected to live. He refused to give in - he struggled against being put to sleep and left to die - even though people mistook him for some kind of alien mouse and not a kitten. His heart is bigger than a mountain - his love is boundless. He is an inspiration to everyone who comes in contact with him

Friday, February 26, 2010


You may remember we left our hero surprised by an unexpected visitor...and an angry one at that

And Lord Oliver Monta Purrington AKA Mighty Mouse fought for his love - but all in vain.

She had gone - and he was alone

To add insult to injury she left him with an eye infection. Lucky it wasn't worse. Poor Boy!


  1. Take care of that eye, little man... and beware of holiday romances that leave you with infections! :D

    Sophie sends boofy BSH kisses and hopes you feel better soon.

  2. Thanks Sue Ellen. It seems worse tonight but hopefully that's only temporary.

  3. Oliver, I think your Mummy needs to have a grown up chat with you about the perils of holiday romances. I think you are fortunate that it only a sore eye that you have this time! Akira and Selina are hoping that you will be better soon and able to tell them stories of your other adventures on your holiday. Carole

  4. hi oliver how is your eye going gwen the pengwine says hi to you as well and so does sophie and byron there our cats at our house love allie ps are you going to play with darcy today

  5. Oh Oliver, Stay away from those other chicks. WE STILL LUBS YEW!!! Ruby and Paisley

  6. Hey Olliber - howz the eye? Did I tell yew about the time I got a minacher been from a beenbag cooshin stuck in my eye when I wuz just a littel kittee? Owch. Mum got it out for me and then threw the cooshin away. That's okay... Iz finished chewing it then anyway.
    Love from Sophie

  7. Hi Oliver, hope your eye is feeling better and your broken heart is healing.
    Holiday romances arent all their cracked up to be...besides, you have plenty of other girl kitty`s who think you are pretty special.
    Love and cuddles to all...Sher

  8. HIs eye is much better....Sophie you mustn't worry your mum like that.Yes...I think OLiver is discovering that there are plenty of girl kitties in the litter box!
