Read Mighty Mouse's Thought For The Day - Every Day

This is the story of a tiny kitten - a runt, who was not expected to live. He refused to give in - he struggled against being put to sleep and left to die - even though people mistook him for some kind of alien mouse and not a kitten. His heart is bigger than a mountain - his love is boundless. He is an inspiration to everyone who comes in contact with him

Friday, March 5, 2010


Hello ebwybodee.
Here's mine Fwyday fort
God may have created man before woman, but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece.
Mummy telled me to say she alwise rite!
Lub and lix


  1. hi oliver how are you going i hope you and darcy are having fun in nanny and tony's room are you still playing with soraya i hope you and darcy have a play in nanny and tony's room love allie

  2. Hi Oliber,
    Ewe is bery smart. But wee finks if God made man, den woman den cotz must haf been next coz wee is perfec! Weez hope yur iye is awl betta now and dat yu and yur Mum and Dad haf a gud wikend!
    luv Ruby and Paisley

  3. Hi Coral,
    It must be such an overwhelming heart felt feeling to look back on the photos of Oliver when he was so little and realise exactly how touch and go things were with look at him now is just amazing who would think that there was ever a problem with this this boy, he is so beautiful.
    Give Oliver and the other a cuddle and some chin rubs for me.
    Love and cuddles to all...Sher

  4. Thank you Sher,
    I am so thankful every day that he made it. he is indeed a beautiful boy.
    He just jumped up on my lap to see what I am typing! And for a cuddle of course.
